The Heaviest Weight
I heard the following recently and it resonated deeply.
“The heaviest weight at the gym is the front door.”
It’s a good reminder that simply getting started is often the biggest challenge. Remember that when someone you work with is resistant to new ideas or ways of operating. Remember that when you might be resistant to doing things differently as well.
My wife has a great line.
“It’s always easier not to.”
She’s right. It’s easier to say “no” than it is to say “yes.”
It’s easier to watch TV than it is to go for a run. It’s easier to scroll through your phone than it is to have an engaging conversation with your partner at dinner. It’s easier to do things, even things that aren’t working, the way you’ve always done them than it is to change how you operate.
But you didn’t sign up for easy, right?
You signed up for greatness. You signed up to be extraordinary.
My new book comes out in fourteen days. It took me three years to write and edit. That’s a long time. And it’s really daunting to think about spending that much time on something. Even something I care about that much.
But the hardest part, without a doubt, was starting. After that, the writing kind of took care of itself.
The heaviest weight at the gym is the front door. Help your people swing it open. And when it feels too heavy for you, swing it open with all your might. Because what happens after could make you a legend.