Throw Your Hat Over the Wall

Of all the coaching I’ve received, books I’ve read, conferences I’ve attended, stories I’ve been told, and inspirational quotes I’ve heard, the below is my absolute favorite. It was told to me at a conference close to thirty years ago.

It changed my life.

I wish I could take credit for it, but I can’t. In fact, I don’t know who told this story originally, but I love it so much still. I hope it resonates.

One day, three kids were walking in the woods behind one of their houses. They walked further into the woods than they had before and they came face to face with a stone wall. It was twelve feet high and as far in both directions as the kids could see. They heard noises coming from the other side. They couldn’t tell if it was people laughing or crying, celebrating or in anguish. They looked at each other, and they walked back home.

The next day, the three kids walked back to the wall. They heard the same sounds coming from the other side. One kid said to another, “Climb over.” That kid said, “No. I’m too scared.” They walked back home.

On the next day, the kids walked back to the wall. Once again, they heard the sounds coming from the other side. Once again, they were scared. They were uncertain.

Until the kid in the middle took off their hat and threw it over the wall.

The other two were in shock, mouths agape.

The kid in the middle said, “Now I have to go” and began climbing.

It’s never going to be perfect. It’s never going to be the “right” time. It’s never going to look exactly as you want it to. That’s okay. Throw your hat over the wall and go forward.


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